Sunday, 20 November 2011

Awaiting winter

With the very mild autumn and still no arrival of winter i am unsure which trees are still fighting and which are past the point of no return. There was at least one I've topped up with soil as its got buds which are prominent compare to others which still have very green leaves so it will be interesting to see what sort of crop appearing the spring


One of the grow bag trees with the most promising growth, as it was quite large before i re potted it i will try to keep its size to a minimum in the spring but for now its getting it through the winter which is the main objective.


This is the oak from the verge of the garden I saved from the mower. I had a small oak before as my first bonsai which didn't survive. I potted it in early autumn which isn't ideal but fingers crossed with lots of manure and sunshine it will grow small and strong. I had to clear out the gutters which had lots of moss in and I've put in on the top of the soil to hold in moisture and prevent weeds and grass.